Our HoursMon - Fri: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm
Also known as Meadow House...
In its first year, the DCSH program was a resounding success. Eight deserving boys from Milwaukee had an experience that they will never forget, working their first summer job and exploring Door County, WI. They earned rave reviews from their employers, and each boy went home with over $2,000 added to their first bank account. All eight boys left more independent and more confident than when they first arrived. These summer jobs introduced them to the world of work and small business and will provide a foundation to build upon when they are young adults. Special thanks to DCSH's amazing supervisors, Sinclair Johnston and Matt Klansky, many volunteers, including Craig Coursin, John Sawyer, Connie and Dean Pahl, Northern Trust and the YMCA team, Milwaukee Public Schools, especially Eric Radomski, and our seven wonderful Door County employers - White Gull Inn, Parador, Main Street Market, Old Post Office, Edge of Park, PC Junction and Nature Works. Some pictures from this summer's program can be viewed on the DCSH website gallery: www.doorcountysummerhorizons.com